
Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Queenstown story

This my Queenstown story. Could you please comment if you think I used my goal in this story. My goal is I can use an onomatopoeia and I can use spicy adjectives.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Candy Factory

             Candy factory                                     
                      by      Kaisei & Harrison                      

Characters  .……Harrison Kaisei  
Once upon a time There was a candy  factory in a forest  . Harrison , Kaisei and ben were kids. they were 8 years old and they loved candy  .They found the factory by themselves and There was Candy everywhere!
There were…
Lollypops , chocolate , gummy bears ,  candy canes ,  gumballs , m&m's and lots  more.            

Then  ben saw a gigantic pool of chocolate, He wanted to  eat the chocolate. he was really greedy  and he never shared anything. So he Leant in to eat the chocolate then ! he  … he fell in , hahaha !


Kaisei: There was a twirly wirly machine   under the chocolate that keeps the chocolate warm and… he got sucked into a whirlpool that pulled him into the twirly wirly. He got twisted and turned and then he threw up . then His mum took him home.

The next day they made candy  .The candy was called………….Emotion candy………..Kaisei - explained  how the candy worked ‘When  you’re happy you  have a delight of lemon lolly tastes  and you turn yellow.Original (1280 × 1024)

When you’re sad you have a nice taste  of blueberry andFile:Blue Sad.jpg
you turn blue.

When  you’re angry you have a creamy sour taste  and you turn red .  DescriptionGnome-face-angry.

When you’re scared you have a  grape popping taste  and you turn purple and lots lots more.


After Harrison and Kaisei finished creating their candy lollies. They found a U.F.O so they hopped in. There were a  whole lot of buttons. They pushed one that was called candy cloud cocoland . In candy cloud cocoland  there were cloud lollies .

both:this is what harrison & kaisei traveled into   candy cloud cocoland.
 harrison:This is the cloud lollies that were in candy cloud   cuckoo land.

Later Harrison and Kaisei  went back down to the factory . they
discovered  a four storied building across the road. inside the building there was a little teapot bang! a floating rainbow mouth wobbled out of the teapot Harrison and I jumped of surprise ! The wobbling mouth said you get one wish each. Kaisei and Harrison were bouncing  with excitement . Kaisei wished to reopen open the candy factory and Harrison wished for unlimited money so he could buy lollies from different countries . The mouth said it will happen in the morning so they went  to bed  with excitement ! The next day they woke  there was money everywhere and people were outside waiting so we let them in.There were lollies from Scotland, Japan, Usa, Alaska, Australia, Brazil, Serbia ,New Zealand and lots lots more! A lot  of people wanted a job so Kaisei was the interviewer.Kaisei hired 500 people . the factory got more people every day and lost people everyday.
             …......coming soon…….
…….Candy Factory 2……

              The end!
              By Harrison & Kaisei$#

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Maths goal

3x tables- multiplication & Division. I can complete this goal by doing hit the button and use a white board.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Open Mic Friday

This picture is of me and Ethan.l doing a snowboard presintation at open mic Friday. Open mic Friday is were you can share stories and presintation's. I shared this with people because I wanted to teach more people about snowboarding and how to snowboard.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Book fair

On Wednesday Frankley school had a dress up day for the book fair. At the book fair I got a scary book and a pen. This is Mrs H and Mrs O on dress up day they are thing one and thing two.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Writng goal

I can use an onomatopoeia and
I can use spicy adjectives.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

New Maths goal

Skip backwards in 3 (from 100)

Skiing in Queenstown

I shared this story with you because I want to tell you about what we did skiing in Queenstown. My goals is to show thoughts and feelings. If you think I have done this, can you please leave a comment.

Ring, ring! The alarm clock rang at 7:30. We got our stuff and drove to Cardrona. I was really excited. When we were at Cardrona, I got ready for skiing and we rented our skis. I put my helmet on. Then we walked up to where you hire your skis. It was on my first run, I crashed. I hurt my chin. I crashed on the hardest slope. When I crashed I felt bad. After I crashed I felt a little bit better. Then we kept skiing. Our friend did a really big jump. We had an awesome time in Queenstown.


Monday, 20 July 2015

Maths goal

Recall five times table division facts.

Sunday, 12 July 2015


This is me at Taupo.  I am halfway on the great lake trail.
Dad and I had a fun time on the W2K track. It had a big uphill and a small downhill.


In the school holidays we went to Dunedin. We stayed  at my grandma and grandad's house. Me and my family went to lots of cool placers in Dunedin like the chocolate factroy. This is me and my sister and mum next  to a frozen pond at Orokonui Sanctuary. We had a great time in Dunedin.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Lexis Certificate

This is my lexia award for level 7 I learnt lot's of stuff.

Last day of term

Today is the last day of term 2 we have been watching movies.
But I have been on the computer.


I put this soccer presentation on my blog so it can teach other people more about soccer.


Maths goal

Recall two times table division facts.

Matariki art

This is my Matariki art. My draft is the one in white.The one with the koru is my practice and the final one is my good copy.

First day of school

I put this story on my blog because it is a small moments example and I have being learning about small moment writing at school. I have been working on showing thoughts and feelings. Can you see where I have included these in this piece of writing?

Today is my first day of school. So mum drove me to school and took me to my class. I felt excited. I put my bag in the cloak bay.Then went inside with my mum.  Mum introduced me to the teacher. I was shy. Then mum said she would wait until the bell rang. I felt scared because I didn't know anyone.  Then… the bell rang and everyone sat on the mat. Mum said, “have a good day”. I said ,“OK” "bye mum". Then I went down on to the mat.⚠️
by Harrison

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Motorbike track

This is  Kaisei and Cody making a motorbike track. They are making a jump.Maybe you can make your  own motorbike track as well. It was hard to make the motorbike track.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Snowboarding presentation

This is my snowboarding presentation. I am doing it with Ethan L. We made it so we could teach people more about snowboarding.

Snowboarding Presentation

Monday, 29 June 2015

writing goal

I can show my thoughts and feelings.

reading goal

I cross check as I read-Dose it look right,sound right, make sense?

growth mindset

This is me and Ethan doing what a growth mindset is and a fixed mindset.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Assembly 67

This is Rocking67HQ's assembly. Here is me talking about my meerkat enclosure.

fractions workshop

Today we had a fractions workshop. We learnt what a unit fraction was. A unit fraction is when the top number is 1.

Meerkat enclosure

This is my groups meerkat enclosure for our wit. We had to get materials like sand, ice cream sticks,rocks and toilet rolls.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

maths goal

Recall two times table division facts.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

rocking 67hq assembly

On Friday Rocking 67hq had a assembly I got to talk about my groups meerkat enclosure that my group had made and what e had put in the enclosure and why.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


Room 67 went to the zoo to observe the meerkats in there enclosure. There where 2 meerkats in the enclosure 1 of the meerkats was sleeping and the other meerkat was watching if there was any predators.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

This is a picture of our wit group making a enclosure so we can show  the zoo keeper our enclosure and we made it out of sticks green paper and toilet rolls. The top picture is Marshall  asking about the enclosure.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

maths goal

Recall addition and subtraction facts

reading goal

I cross check as I read- Dose it look
right, sound right, make sense?

writing goal

I can show my thoughts and feelings

Saturday, 23 May 2015


Today we went to Rotokare. We walked round the lake we saw a kereru, saddleback, fantail and tomtit we saw the gate in the learning center and how big the fence was.
by Harrison

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

This is my meerkat enclosure model for my wit at school

By Harrison

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


20th of may it was Miniball. We vs Woodliegh hawks. At 3:30. The score was 12 to 8 to Frankley there was a good player in the Woodliegh team.

by Harrison

Monday, 4 May 2015

Sunday, 3 May 2015

COPE Award

 This is a picture of me getting a cope award for demonstrating
all the cope attitudes.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Read to Self

this is me today reading to self I was reading the wright brothers by Harrison                                                                                            

Thursday, 26 March 2015

harrison maths goal

recall addition and subtraction facts 0 to 20 it will help me with my family of facts.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

harrisons reading goal

I can rerread text this will help me to read accurately with expression

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

my writing goal

my writing goal is  showing my thoughts and feeling it will help the reader feel like the writer

Monday, 23 March 2015